The Therapeutic Nature of Grace in St. Augustine's 'De Gratia et Libero Arbitrio'

In "De grat. et lib. arb.". Augustine conceives of grace as the therapy by which the will is healed and God is freely loved. Grace is efficacious because it heals the will by bringing the love of God to the soul, rather than by asserting the priority of the one or the other.

Bibliographic Details
Author:Thomas L. Holtzen
Published: S.n., s.l., 2000
Periodical:Augustinian Studies
Topic:- Works > Anti-Pelagian Works > De gratia et libero arbitrio
- Doctrine > From man to God > Jesus Christ. Redemption. Sacraments. Church. Grace. Mariology. > Grace > [Études d'ensemble] > Grace
- Doctrine > From man to God > Jesus Christ. Redemption. Sacraments. Church. Grace. Mariology. > Grace > [Études d'ensemble] > [Grâce efficace]
Status:Needs Review
Summary:In "De grat. et lib. arb.". Augustine conceives of grace as the therapy by which the will is healed and God is freely loved. Grace is efficacious because it heals the will by bringing the love of God to the soul, rather than by asserting the priority of the one or the other.