Deux peuples, un seul troupeau, un unique Pasteur

Ecclésiologie de saint Augustin et citations de Jean 10:16

M. F-B. analyzes the thirty- two times that A. cites John 10:36. In our day, this text is thought, self- evidently, to be a text urging oecumenism. Such is not the case in A. Augustine exegizes this Johannine text in two ways. In the first case, A. speaks of Israel and the Church, the old and new pe...

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Bibliographic Details
Author:Marie-François Berrouard
Topic:- Doctrine > From man to God > Divine revelation > Exegesis > [Exégèse des textes du Nouveau Testament] > [Matthieu] > Mt 15 > Matt 15,24
- Doctrine > From man to God > Divine revelation > Exegesis > [Exégèse des textes du Nouveau Testament] > John > Jn 10 > Jn 10,16
- Doctrine > From man to God > Divine revelation > Exegesis > [Exégèse des textes du Nouveau Testament] > Epistles of St. Paul > [Éphésiens] > Eph 2 > Eph 2:20
- Doctrine > From man to God > Jesus Christ. Redemption. Sacraments. Church. Grace. Mariology. > Christology > [La personne du Christ (études d'ensemble)] > [Titres/thèmes] > [Christ - prêtre]
- Doctrine > From man to God > Jesus Christ. Redemption. Sacraments. Church. Grace. Mariology. > [Cité de Dieu. Ecclésiologie] > [Église - Ecclésiologie]
Parent Work: Augustine: 'Second Founder of the Faith'
Summary:M. F-B. analyzes the thirty- two times that A. cites John 10:36. In our day, this text is thought, self- evidently, to be a text urging oecumenism. Such is not the case in A. Augustine exegizes this Johannine text in two ways. In the first case, A. speaks of Israel and the Church, the old and new people of God. The Church has its point of departure in the Old Israel. In the second usage, A. speaks of both the unity of the shepherd and the unity of the flock. usually, Augustine uses this text in support of his exegesis of other texts, commenting on it directly only in Tractatus in Iohannis Evangelium.