Re-Sourcing Charles Taylor's Augustine

Discussion des travaux récents de Mayne J. Hankey, 'Between and Beyond Augustine and Descartes: More than a Source of the self'- Augustinian Studies, 32/1, 2001, p65-88, et de Charles Taylor, The Sources of the Self, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1989

Bibliographic Details
Author:David Peddle
Published: S.n., s.l., 2001
Periodical:Augustinian Studies
Topic:- Doctrine > Man > [Doctrine de la connaissance] > [Connaissance de soi. Le cogito] > [Le moi - subjectivité]
- Influence and Survival > [Époque Contemporaine (1789-1960)] > Authors > Taylor, Charles
Status:Needs Review
Summary:Discussion des travaux récents de Mayne J. Hankey, 'Between and Beyond Augustine and Descartes: More than a Source of the self'- Augustinian Studies, 32/1, 2001, p65-88, et de Charles Taylor, The Sources of the Self, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1989