Science and Religion in Early America

Cotton Mather's 'Christian Philosopher'

L'énorme volume publié par Cotton Mather (Londres, 1720): 'The Christian Philosopher: A collection of the Best Discorveries in Nature, with Religious Improvements' (304 pages). Les maîtres de Mather: Platon, Augustin, les platoniciens de Cambridge, Newton et ses disciples.

Bibliographic Details
Author:W.U. Solberg
Published: 1987
Periodical:Church History
Topic:- Influence and Survival > Early Modern Period (1453-1789) > [Mather (Cotton, vers 1720)]
Status:Needs Review
Summary:L'énorme volume publié par Cotton Mather (Londres, 1720): 'The Christian Philosopher: A collection of the Best Discorveries in Nature, with Religious Improvements' (304 pages). Les maîtres de Mather: Platon, Augustin, les platoniciens de Cambridge, Newton et ses disciples.