From Death to Rebirth: Ritual and Conversion in Antiquity

Le chapitre 9, "The fourth Century: Conversion in Milan", p. 212-238, concerne Ambroise et Augustin. 1. Ambroise, p. 213-215; 2. Augustine, Catechumen, p. 215-221; 3. The Lenten Catechumenate: Milan, p. 221-226; 4. Baptism at Milan, p. 227-230; 5. Conclusion and Notes, p. 231-238

Bibliographic Details
Author:Thomas Macy Finn
Published: Paulist, New York, 1997
Total Pages:V, 286
Topic:- Biography > Person and Life > Conversion / Baptism > Conversion
Status:Needs Review
Summary:Le chapitre 9, "The fourth Century: Conversion in Milan", p. 212-238, concerne Ambroise et Augustin. 1. Ambroise, p. 213-215; 2. Augustine, Catechumen, p. 215-221; 3. The Lenten Catechumenate: Milan, p. 221-226; 4. Baptism at Milan, p. 227-230; 5. Conclusion and Notes, p. 231-238